Dating Teignmouth

Find someone special in Teignmouth

We want to find someone special for you! With our members exclusively in Devon and a good chunk in Teignmouth we’re sure you’ll find your perfect match with us. We want to make it simple for you to find love - no endless personality tests or complicated signups. Just a simple straight forward online dating service with real people from Devon.

Come and find your special someone

If you’ve been single for a while, we know how frustrating it can get finding the right person. Our local approach to online dating helps you find the person who could have been right under your nose all this time. All to often the bigger sites boast about how many members they have but when it gets down to it – there’s never anyone for you. Devon Singles brings people together from the same area – people with shared backgrounds and a connection to a place. By choosing a local dating site you’re making the decision that you’re serious about finding and meeting someone. Our existing members have already made that commitment and they could jut be looking for you.

View your matches now

Create your free account now to review your matches today. Sign up in less than a minute using the form above to get instant access. All you need is a working email address.


We never sell or pass on any members personal details. Your personal communications with other members within the site are encrypted. We advise all members to not post personally identifiable information on their profile

Meet mature singles in Teignmouth

If you are over 50 and looking for love, we recomend you try our dedicated mature dating site for singles over fifty in Devon.

Fast, secure registration

Sign up for your free photo profile today to meet singles nearby. You personal details are secure and never disclosed (look out for the padlock in your browsers address bar).